Occasional stress is a normal part of human existence. We worry about providing for our families, performing well at work, managing finances, and maintaining relationships. However, people with an anxiety disorder are constantly worried for reasons that aren’t entirely rational, and this anxiousness manifests itself not only mentally, but also physically. If this is the case for you, contact our anxiety rehab center to learn about the dual diagnosis treatment programs.

Anxiety disorders and substance abuse are ubiquitous; three percent of adults in the United States display symptoms of anxiety, and 32.3% of them have severe symptoms of diagnosable Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Only half of those suffering from GAD get treated, which suggests that this group is self-medicating instead of receiving the professional help they need.

Today, 20% of people with a diagnosable anxiety disorder also have a substance abuse problem. These people find comfort in a bottle of wine or in an extra dose of prescription medication because, for them, it’s one of the only ways they can think of to ease their constant dread. The sad reality is that this habit only heightens the problem and aggravates the anxiety disorder. Viewpoint Dual Recovery provides a healthier and more effective alternative for gaining control over anxiety and addiction. To learn more about our anxiety treatment centers in Arizona, contact us today.

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

a man considers entering an anxiety treatment program in arizonaRecovery from anxiety and substance abuse begins with a clear understanding of anxiety disorders. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by constant worry that interferes with daily life and negatively impacts relationships, professional performance, social interactions, and so much more. An anxiety disorder isn’t spurred by any specific event; it’s constant and never fully resolves.

People with chronic anxiety describe it as a feeling of floating from one worry to another. For example, someone with GAD may start out feeling worried about their health and then get anxious thinking about how to pay their medical care deductible. From here, they might start thinking about hypothetically losing their job and not being able to see a doctor without insurance benefits. This could lead to further concern about how being unemployed would affect other aspects of life, such as their marriage. More often than not, these anxiety-induced fears have no basis in reality.

The American Psychiatric Association has stated that, if you have been in this state of mind for six or more months, seeking professional assistance at our anxiety rehab facilities may be beneficial to your mental health.

Who Is at Risk of GAD?

Anyone can develop an anxiety disorder, but there are certain factors that put some people at a higher risk than others. For example, gender plays a role in many causes. Women are twice as likely to struggle with GAD than men. You can inherit anxiety, and some people have a biological predisposition to it. Those with chemical imbalances in the brain are also at a higher risk, as are people who have experienced trauma and those who abuse addictive substances or take certain anxiety-causing medications.

Seeking help from our anxiety rehab center can be crucial for those at higher risk.

Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder

An anxiety disorder negatively affects how a person feels, thinks, and acts. Common anxiety disorders like GAD can last for months and be mentally and physically exhausting without treatment. Fortunately, it’s easy to detect. A general practitioner can pinpoint it in your annual physical exam or a questionnaire, and recommend you seek treatment at an anxiety treatment center. You might have an anxiety disorder if:

  • You expect the worst-case scenario to happen
  • Worry has taken over your life
  • Your body aches from constant muscle tension
  • It is hard to relax
  • You always feel stressed about something
  • You’re not sleeping well at night anymore
  • You get headaches frequently

For effective care, consider looking into treatment centers for anxiety disorders that can offer specialized support and therapy.

Anxiety and Addiction

These symptoms have a way of driving people straight into the clutches of addiction. Drugs and alcohol can provide a temporary sense of relief from anxiety, but this coping mechanism contributes to heightened GAD symptoms and a decreased ability to function normally each day. Adults with anxiety and substance abuse are more likely than adults with anxiety but no addiction to have trouble with relationships, day-to-day responsibilities, and concentration. However, with treatment from one of the leading anxiety treatment centers in Arizona, you can overcome your addiction and mental illness simultaneously.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The good news is that those caught in the cycle of anxiety and substance abuse can break free with the right help. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center, we specialize in treating people who have a dual diagnosis. As a result, we emphasize the importance of addressing anxiety and addiction dual disorders together to prevent relapse. We do this through a variety of treatment methods:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy/psychotherapy: Our mental health professionals work closely with clients to identify and modify harmful behaviors. CBT and psychotherapy reduce anxiety and the chances of a relapse.
  • Medication: Using prescription medications, we can ease your GAD symptoms. We often use anti-anxiety medications in conjunction with therapy to stabilize a patient’s mood and help them relax.
  • Family therapy and support: We believe in including families in our therapeutic approach to ensure long-term recovery and support.
  • Peer support groups: We connect clients with individuals facing similar struggles. This connection gives them the opportunity to support and uplift each other throughout the healing process.

Our Holistic Treatment Approach

Proper treatment for addiction and substance abuse involves more than just the treatment of the symptoms alone. That’s why our anxiety rehab center takes a holistic approach that concurrently heals the mind, body, and soul. In our experience, holistic methods ensure results that last and give client’s a better chance of success in the future.

Why Choose Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center?

If you’re ready to restore peace and balance to your life, it’s time to take the first step to recovery. Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center is ready to help you achieve a happier and healthier life. Contact us today to learn more about our anxiety treatment program, or to get holistic care that will instill the positive change needed for lifelong wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: The success rate varies depending on the individual and their specific needs. However, we are committed to providing evidence-based treatments and continuous support to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

A: Our facilities offer comfortable living arrangements, recreational activities, fitness centers, and access to nature to promote a healing environment.

A: The cost can vary based on the duration of stay, the specific treatments required, and any additional services needed. For an accurate estimate, it's best to contact our admissions team, who can provide detailed information and discuss payment options.

A: The duration of stay varies depending on individual needs but typically ranges from 30 to 90 days. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery, we tailor the treatment plan to ensure the best outcomes for each individual.

A: Our program is unique because it addresses both anxiety disorders and co-occurring conditions, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to treatment.