Combatting the Opioid Crisis: Unveiling the Dual Diagnosis Challenge

Introduction: The Opioid Epidemic and Its Impact In the shadow of the silent crisis known as the opioid epidemic, a complex web of challenges has emerged, deeply impacting communities. In 2021, the United States witnessed 107,000 drug overdose deaths, with a staggering 75% linked to opiates (CDC). A troubling aspect of this crisis is the…

women learning about clozapine

Does Clozapine Treat Schizoaffective Disorder?

For a person struggling with schizoaffective disorder, having the right access to treatment is critical to reclaiming health and building stability. Finding the right type of treatment for this mental health disorder is often complex because different solutions work for different people. For some, Clozapine may be a solution. Most people with this condition benefit…