Unlocking The Maze of Co-Occurring Mental Health and Addiction: Integrated Strategies for Recovery

In the world of mental health and addiction recovery, the concept of dual diagnosis is pivotal yet frequently misunderstood. It involves the simultaneous occurrence of a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, which presents unique challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and overall recovery. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center, a leading residential dual diagnosis treatment center in Arizona, we are dedicated…

alcoholism and loneliness

Alcoholism and Loneliness

Alcohol addiction affects more than 14 million adults worldwide. We know that addiction is a medical condition that often requires both medical and psychological intervention. We also know that it can be the result of attempting to cope with a mental health condition like depression, bipolar, anxiety, or schizoaffective disorder. Many people who are dealing…

alcohol withdrawal

Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal

Individuals who have an alcohol addiction can improve their lives by quitting. However, stopping cold turkey comes with risks. Alcohol withdrawal can produce severe symptoms that range from inconvenient to life-threatening. Professional assistance with stopping alcohol use can help individuals avoid these problems. Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Quitting alcohol suddenly causes a shock to the body.…

Drunk Driving

Legal Consequences of Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol puts lives at risk. Drunk driving can lead to serious collisions that result in significant injuries and death. Read on to learn about the specific consequences of intoxicated driving in Arizona. In Arizona, there are strict laws regarding drunk driving. Someone caught driving while impaired could face…

a group of students binge drinking

The Dangers of Binge Drinking Revealed

The risk is real. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 95,000 people die each year because of excessive drinking. That’s one in 10 adult deaths overall. And one-half of these deaths are specifically due to binge drinking. But let’s say that a person who binges doesn’t kill themselves. There are…

a young woman looking at the snow thinking about seasonal depression

How Does Seasonal Depression Affect You?

Depression associated with seasonal changes is known as seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It tends to affect people during the winter months when sunlight is less available. Much like other forms of depression, SAD can have you feeling low, sad, and uninterested in life. If existing mental health conditions seem to get worse…