a doctor talking to their patient about benefits of a mat program

Benefits of a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program

Medication-assisted treatment (or MAT) has been approved to help fight opioid and alcohol addictions. The benefits of a MAT program are many, the most important being that it helps improve the chances of a person staying clean and sober longer than many programs that use other methods. To date, MAT programs have found their greatest…

a woman hiding in the bathroom as she goes through heroin withdrawal

Stages of Heroin Withdrawal

Heroin addiction is the cause of the largest number of overdose deaths in the country at the moment. Many heroin detox programs are finding themselves consistently at capacity yet there are many more waiting for their chance to enter a detox program. Heroin withdrawal isn’t quite as physically difficult as with some other drugs. However,…

doctors discussing commonly abused prescription drugs

Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs

Commonly abused prescription drugs are often as dangerous as “street” substances, yet they’re widely available. A drug that’s safe or essential to take when you have a particular condition can become deadly when taken for pleasure instead. Since these medications are prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacies, there’s a common misconception they’re somehow safer…

two people hold hands as they wonder how to help a loved one with addiction

How To Help a Loved One With Addiction

Addiction is an all-consuming disease. When a loved one with addiction is struggling through it, it’s natural to feel the need to want to do something to help. What can you do? Your most important first step is to realize your loved one needs professional help. At Viewpoint Dual Recovery Center, we offer the resources…